Iā€™m a danish freelance consultant, photographer and classic motorcycle enthusiast. Music lover, vivid reader and lifter of heavy things.

I know you most likely came here by total coincidence but:

If you found me because of my absolutely flawless reputation as an freelance consultant then do not hesitate to contact me or go over to my LinkedIn profile and have a closer look.

If you found me with an interest in my photography then I can recommend looking at either my Instagram or Flickr account or perhaps head over to the Photography section where there will be photography posts with a bit of text and context surrounding the images.

If you are interested in what I am reading or have been reading lately, then head over to Books. And please leave a recommendation if you read a good book I should consider.

If you found me because you are creepy then please press Command + Q if you are on Mac or Alt + F4 if you are on PC or Linux to get in touch.