This is me then. I’m a start-up founder and freelance consultant. Photographer, music lover, motorcycle fanatic, vivid reader and lifter of heavy things. Specialization is for insects!

This is one of my creative outlets. I read a lot and it seems to spawn a need to write a lot as well. At one point I wanted to use this website to promote my work as an IT consultant, but over time it has morphed more towards something as undefinable as a creative outlet. I write, share and post the things I want and care about. This can be photography, motorcycles, books or whatever. I just have an urge to make some content no matter the audience or end goal.

I know you most likely came here by total coincidence but:

If you found me with an interest in my photos then I can recommend looking at either my Instragram or Flickr account or perhaps head over to the Photography section.

If you found me because of my absolutely flawless reputation as an outstanding consultant then do not hesitate to contact me or go over to my LinkedIn profile and have a closer look.

If you are interested in what I am reading or have been reading lately, then head over to Books.

If you found me because you are creepy then please press Command + Q if you are on Mac or Alt + F4 if you are on PC to get in touch.

If you wondered why a consultant who claims to be a Full Stack Developer would choose to have a WordPress site instead of building something from scratch, then have a look at: Why a WordPress site as a Full Stack Developer?