This time around I will share some shots from my digital camera emulatin Tri-X on digital. It is a Fujifilm X-T2 and if remember correctly, then all the shots will be with the XF23mm F2 WR lens.

To keep a somewhat consistent look, all images will be black & white. I primarily shoot black & white, but I do also shoot a bit of color. That will be for another post though.

I can see myself chasing a “film-look” in the digital images. For this I actually think the Fuji-cameras are very advantageous. All of the images below are straight out of camera “jpegs”. The “look” of them comes from the film simulations recipe. I have tried several but the one I use the most and is a Tri-X recipe from Ritchie Roesch with high auto-ISO to give the grain.

I will not say that it looks exactly like film. But I will say that I am very pleased with how much more “moody” the images looks like this. It is a true Tri-X on digital equivalent to my eyes. The images are less “clinical” than “normal” digital images.


I really like the tonality and hints of grain here. For this to have even better I should have found a way to shoot it without the light in the background. That would have isolated the rose completely. This could of course also be done in post-processing, but that is not for me.

This one I really like. It is of the inside of a VW camper van which was parked perfectly in relation to the light. The only thing I would do to it (and could have done if it would not rob me of the possibility to talk about it) is to crop it a bit to remove the light in the top left corner as it detracts from the main subject. Apart from that I am extremely pleased with it.

This one is of my girlfriend and my motorcycle. I really like the deep blacks. I do not mind that it removes a lot of details as it only enhances the subjects in the picture. And I must say that the tonality again reminds me of analog. It is really pleasing.

This image is included to see the grain structure that comes from high ISO settings in the Fuji X-T2. Of course it is not analog-like but to my eyes it is a lot more pleasing than the added grain from post-processing in Lightroom for instance.

On the previous installment of my “Roll of film” I included an image very close to this one, but shot on FP4 analog film instead. There I argued that it was overexposed as it blew out the highlights of the tank, fender and headlight. This is much better exposed.

Finally I will just add a few picture from a trip on my KZ650 motorcycle where I met a herd of cows that I shot while riding. In that instance it was nice having autofocus and auto-advance. It would have been difficult to get these shots on an analog camera. So they each have their use cases and advantages.